International Law Center

International Law Center
Founder and President
The International Law Center is a civil association whose purpose is the development of International Law.

XVIII International Law Winter Program - 2022
- Professor Rashida Manjoo (South Africa)
Professor Emeritus at University of Cape Town
Former United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its causes and consequences (2009-2015)
Former Parliamentary Commissioner of the Commission on Gender Equality – South Africa
The topic discussed: “Normativity without Legality – The Practice of the UN on Violence Against Women”.
- Professor Paul Stephan (United States)
Title Distinguished Professor of Law at University of Virginia
Special Counsel to the General Counsel in the U.S. Department of Defense (2020-2021)
Counselor on International Law in the U.S. Department of State (2006-20007)
The topic discussed: “The Future of International Dispute Resolution”.
- Professor Stefan Talmon (Germany)
Professor of Public Law, Public International Law and European Union Law at the University of Bonn
Director of the Institute of Public International Law at the University of Bonn
Supernumerary Fellow of St. Anne’s College, Oxford
The topic discussed: “Standing Before the ICJ”.
- Professor Marcelo Kohen (Argentina)
Professor of International law at the graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva
Member of the Institut de Droit International and its Secretary General since 2015
Founder of the Latin American Socienty of International law and its First Director-General
The topic discussed: “Judicial Settlement of Disputes in Times of International Crisis”.
- Professor John Dugard (South Africa)
Honorary Professor, University of Pretoria (Centre for Human Rights)
Judge ad hoc of the International Court of Justice; Member of the International Law Commission (1997-2011)
Member of Institut de Droit International
- Professor Aniruddha Rajput (India)
Member of the United Nations International Law Commission (2017-21)
Chairperson of the Drafting Committee of the International Law Commission at its 69th Session in 2017
Visiting Fellow at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law.
- Professor August Reinisch (Austria)
Professor of International and European Law at the University of Vienna
Member of the International Law Commission
Member of the Institut de droit international
Served as arbitrator in investment cases under ICSID and UNCITRAL Rules
- Professor Alina Miron (France)
Professor of International Law at the University of Angers (France), co-director of the Master of International and European Law and a partner at FAR Avocats
Counsel and Advocate in a number of cases before the International Court of Justice, the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea and before arbitral tribunals
- Professor Pierre-Marie Dupuy (France)
Emeritus Professor at the University of Paris (Panthéon-Assas)
Professor at the European University Institute – Florence (2000-2008)
Professor at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva (2008-2012)
Lecturer of the General Course of International Law at the Hague Academy of International Law in 2000
- Professor Bruno Simma (Germany)
Judge of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal
Judge of the International Court of Justice (2003-2012)
Member of the UN International Law Commission (1997-2002)
Member of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1987-1996)
Professor of Law at the University of Munich
- Professor Hervé Ascensio (France)
Professor of international law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Sorbonne Law School)
Director of the master 2 degree in Global Business Law and Governance
Counsel of the French Government in proceedings before the International Court of Justice;
Arbitrator in one ICSID tribunal
- Professor Marc Bungenberg (Germany)
Director of the Europa-Institut
Professor of Public Law, European Law and Public International Law at Saarland University, Germany
Visiting professor at University of Lausanne
Member of the scientific advisory board to the International Investment Law Centre in Cologne
The topic discussed: “Economic Sanctions in Times of War”.
- Professor Pierre Klein (Belgium)
Professor of International Law at the Université libre de Bruxelles (U.L.B)
Visiting Lectuber and professor at the University of Ottawa, MCGILL University, Université Du Québec À Montréal, Université Catholique de Louvain, Université D’Abomey-Calavi (BÉNIN), and at the Hague Academy of International Law
The topic discussed: “The Chagos Archipelago Saga: Unlocking the Potential of International Law?”.
- Professor Jean-Marc Thouvenin (France)
Secretary-General of The Hague Academy of International Law
Professor agrégé at the University Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense
The topic discussed: “Res Judicata, Res Interpretata, Res Deliberata”.
- Professor Mareike Fröhlich (Germany)
Head of the SEE|EU Cluster of Excellence in European and International Law
Research Associate and Project Coordinator for International Research
Teaching Projects at the Europa-Institut of Saarland University
The topic discussed: “Gender Perspectives in International Economic Law”.
- Professor Giulia Aravantinou-Leonidi (Italy)
Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law, EU Law and Public Administration at the European Law and Governance School (ELGS)
Professor of European Political Institutions at University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy)
Member of the International Society of Public Law
The topic discussed: “Presidentialism and Its Evolution. Is The American Presidency Still Shaping the International Agenda?”.
- Professor William Schabas (United Kingdom)
Professor of international law at Middlesex University in London
Emeritus Professor of international criminal law and human rights at Leiden University
Distinguished visiting faculty at the Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po
Officer of the Order of Canada
Member of the Royal Irish Academy
The topic discussed: “The Colour Line in International Law”.
- Professor William Torres Laureano da Rosa (Brazil)
Senior Protection Assistant of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) – São Paulo
PhD in International Relations – University of Sussex (United Kingdom)
Visiting Professor at PPGRI San Tiago Dantas (UNESP, UNICAMP, PUC-SP)
Researcher at UNICAMP
The topic discussed: “International Refugee Protection and Acess to Rights: The Brazilian Experience in 25 Years of the Brazilian Refugee Law”.
- Professor Nikolas Vougaris (Greece)
Head of the Treaty Division at the European Public Law Organization
Lecturer at the European Law and Governance School – Greece
Former soldier of the Greek Army
The topic discussed: “Russia’s ‘Special Military Operation’ In and Against Ukraine and the Rules on the Use of Force (Jus ad Bellum)”.
- Professor Thomas Heidar (Iceland)
Vice-President of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Director of the Law of the Sea Institute of Iceland
The topic discussed: “The Law of the Sea Convention: A Living Instrument at Fourty”.
- Professor Valentina Rita-Scotti (Italy)
Lecturer in ‘Gender Discrimination and Law’ and Constitutional Law at Koç University Law School, Istanbul, Turkey
Permanent Visiting Associate Professor at Academia Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico
Qualified as Associate Professor by the Italian Minister of Higher Education
The topic discussed: “Protecting and Promoting Gender Equality: A Dialogue Between National and Supranational Courts”.
- Professor Roman Kolodkin (Russia)
Judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Member of the Institute of International Law
Advisor on public International law of the International and Comparative Law Research Center
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
The topic discussed: “ITLOS- 25 Yeas Later”.
- Professor Aurélien Raccah (France)
Associate Professor of EU Law – Catholic University of Lille
Vice Dean in charge of the International Development – Catholic University of Lille
Co-Director of the International and European Law School (IELS)
Lawyer at ELEA AVOCAT – Paris
The topic discussed: “EU Actions Towards the Conflict in Ukraine”.
- Professor Donald M. MacRae (Canada)
Judge ad hoc of the ICJ (Guatemala v. Belize case)
Professor Emeritus and former Dean of Common Law in the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa
Member of the International Law Commission (2007-2016)
Member of the Institut de droit international
The topic discussed: “Conciliation in International Dispute Settlement ”.
- Professor Joanna Korner (United Kingdom)
Judge of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
Senior Prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (1999-2004 and 2009-2012)
Former Judge of the Crown Court of England and Wales
Senior Legal Adviser to the Chief Prosecutor of Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the establishment of a War Crimes Section in the country’s State Prosecutor’s Office (2004-2005)
The topic discussed: “Ecocide: A Crime to be Added to the Rome Statute?”.
- Professor Edgardo Buscagla (United States of America)
Senior Scholar in Law and Economics at Columbia University Law School (USA)
Professor at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Senior Visiting Academic at Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)
Director of the International Law and Economic Development Center (USA)
The topic discussed: “Law and Economics of Complex Crimes: A Counteracting Human Rights Approach”.

XVII International Law Winter Program - 2021
- Professor Alain Pellet (France)
Former Professor of International Law at the Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University
Director of the University’s Center for International Law (1991-2001)
Member of the International Law Institute (IDI)
The topic discussed: “Practising International Law”
- Professor Bruno Simma (Germany)
Former Judge of the International Court of Justice
Former Dean of the Munich Faculty of Law
Founding President of the European Society of International Law
The topic discussed: “The International Court of Justice and Human Rights” - Professor Francisco Rezek (Brazil)
Former Judge of the International Court of Justice
Professor at the University of Brasilia
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil
The topic discussed: “Sovereignty, Democracy, and Authority of International Jurisdiction: Emerging Problems” - Professor Laurence Boisson de Chazournes (Switzerland)
Professor and Director of the Department of International Law and International Organizations at the Faculty of Law at the University of Geneva – Switzerland
Former Legal Adviser to the World Bank
The topic discussed: “International Environmental Law in Light of the Forthcoming 50th Anniversary of the Stockholm Conference” - Professor Sylvia Steiner (Brazil)
Former Judge of the International Criminal Court
The topic discussed: “Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts”
- Professor Yenkong Ngangjoh Hodu (Cameroon)
Head of the University of Manchester Law School
Professor of International Economic Law
The topic discussed: “Rule of Law and International Trade Law in an era of Delegalisation” - Professor Laurent Sermet (France)
Professor of International Law – Aix-Marseille Université (France)
The topic discussed: “The Responsibility Principle in Public International Law” - Professor Michael Wood (UK)
Member of the United Nations International Law Commission
Former legal advisor to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
The topic discussed: “General Principles of Law as a Source of International Law” - Professor Humberto Antonio Sierra Porto (Colombia)
Judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
The topic discussed: “Inter-American Court of Human Rights and Public Policies Regarding Economic, Social and Cultural Rights” - Professor Laurent Sermet (France)
Professor of International Law – Aix-Marseille Université (France)
The topic discussed: “Traditional Medicine in International Law” - Professor Hélène Ruiz Fabri (France)
Professor at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – Paris
The topic discussed: “The Power of Procedure in International Adjudication” - Professor Malgosia Fitzmaurice (Poland)
Holds a Chair in Public International Law at the Department of Law at Queen Mary University of London
Associate Member of the Institut de Droit International
The topic discussed: “Contemporary Questions of Whaling” - Professor Ida Caracciolo (Italy)
Judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
The topic discussed: “Freedom of navigation at sea: Law and Practice” - Professor Maria Teresa Infante Caffi (Chile)
Professor at the University of Chile
Co-Director of the Master’s Program in International Law at the University of Chile/University of Heidelberg
National Director of Borders and Limits of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Associated with the Institute of International Law
The topic discussed: “Natural Resources in Common Spaces: New Developments and Regimes” - Professor Philippe Gautier (Belgium)
Registrar of the International Court of Justice
The topic discussed: “The International Court of Justice: New Challenges and Contribution to Development of International Law” - Professor André Beirão (Brazil)
Doctor in Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
The topic discussed: “International Law and Maritime Safety Issues” - Professor Patrícia Galvão Teles (Portugal)
Assistant Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon
Member of the United Nations Commission on International Law
The topic discussed: “The International Law Commission and the Development of International Law”
XVI International Law Winter Program - 2020
- Professor Attila Massimiliano Tanzi (Italy)
Professor of International Law at the University of Bologna
Associate Member of 3VB Chambers in London
The topic discussed: “On Sovereignty in Contemporary International Law” - Professor Alain Pellet (France)
Former Professor of International Law at the Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University
Director of the University’s Center for International Law (1991-2001)
Member of the International Law Institute (IDI)
The topic discussed: “Crisis or Collapse of International Law?” - Professor Laurent Sermet (France)
Professor of International Law – Aix-Marseille Université (France)
The topic discussed: “Indigenous peoples’ rights in International and regional American Law” - Professor Jorge Miranda (Portugal)
Former Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon
The topic discussed: “Relationship between Internal Law and International Law: a Portuguese perspective” - Professor Michael Wood (United Kingdom)
Member of the United Nations International Law Commission
Former legal advisor to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
The topic discussed: “The International Law Commission and the sources of International Law” - Professor Francisco Rezek (Brazil)
Former Judge of the International Court of Justice
Former Minister of the Federal Supreme Court
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil
The topic discussed: “The Rule of Law and the Art of Diplomacy: Crisis in Brazilian Foreign Policy” - Professor Gilberto Saboia (Brazil)
Former Ambassador for Brazil in The Netherlands
Former member of the International Law Commission
The topic discussed: “Sea Level Rise and International Law” - Professor Patrícia Galvão Teles (Portugal)
Assistant Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon
Member of the United Nations Commission on International Law
The topic discussed: “The United Nations on its 75th Anniversary and its contribution to the development of international law” - Professor Jean-Marc Thouvenin (France)
Secretary General of the Hague Academy of International Law
Professor at the Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense University
Member of the Center for International Law (CEDIN-France)
Member and former General Secretary of the French Society of International Law
The topic discussed: “Articulation between International Economic Sanctions” - Professor Concepción Escobar Hernández (Spain)
Professor of Public International Law at the National University of Distance Education
The topic discussed: “Immunity of State officials in International Law” - Professor Philippe Gautier (Belgium)
Registrar of the International Court of Justice
The topic discussed: “The ICJ and the Settlement of International Disputes: new challenges” - Professor Pierre Bodeau-Livinec (France)
Professor of Public Law at Paris Nanterre University
The topic discussed: “The Evolution of Universal Multilateralism in light of the Covid-19 Crisis” - Professor Maria Teresa Infante Caffi (Chile)
Professor at the University of Chile
Co-Director of the Master’s Program in International Law at the University of Chile/University of Heidelberg
National Director of Borders and Limits of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Associated with the Institute of International Law
The topic discussed: “Biodiversity beyond national jurisdictions: regime emergence in the law of the sea” - Professor Sylvia Steiner (Brazil)
Former Judge of the International Criminal Court
The topic discussed: “The International Criminal Court – General Aspects” - Professor Laurence Boisson de Chazournes (Switzerland)
Professor and Director of the Department of International Law and International Organizations at the Faculty of Law at the University of Geneva – Switzerland
Former Legal Adviser to the World Bank
The topic discussed: “Access to water in international law: where do we stand?” - Professor Misabel Derzi (Brazil)
Jurist, Professor at Federal University of Minas Gerais
The topic discussed: “Minimum Income Tax and taxation on the distribution of profits and dividends. Tendencies” - Professor Pierre D´Argent (Belgium)
Professor at the University of Louvain (Belgium) and visiting professor at the University of Leiden (Netherlands)
Member of the International Law Institute (IDI)
The topic discussed: “International Obligations” - Professor Bruno Simma (Germany)
Former Judge of the International Court of Justice
Former Dean of the Munich Faculty of Law
Founding President of the European Society of International Law
The topic discussed: “The International Court of Justice and Human Rights” - Professor Pierre-Marie Dupuy (France)
Law Professor at Panthéon-Assas University
The topic discussed: “Twenty Years Later: How has International Law evolved as a legal order?”

XV International Law Winter Program - 2019
- Professor Luciana Diniz (Brazil)
Professor of International Law at PUC-Minas.
The topic discussed: “Refuge and Tolerance” - Professor Jean Cristophe Martin (France)
Associate Professor of Public Law at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis / University Côte d’Azur
The topic discussed: “Addressing Security Issues at Sea” - Professor Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant (Brazil)
Former Legal Consultant at the International Court of Justice
Professor of International Law at UFMG
Director of the Faculty of Law of the Faculdade CEDIN
President of the Center for International Law (CEDIN)
The topic discussed: “International Law in Transition” - Professor Lucas Lima (Brazil)
Professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais
The topic discussed: “Nuclear Weapons before International Courts” - Professor Jeffrey Dunoff (USA)
Professor of Law at Temple University Beasley School of Law
The topic discussed: “Taking International Courts Seriously” - Professor Nerina Bochiero (Italy)
Professor of International Law at the University of Milan
The topic discussed: “Public Health and Sustainability” - Professor Maria de Lourdes Albertini (Brazil)
Professor of International Law at PUC Minas
The topic discussed: “The commercial war USA X China” - Professor Riccardo Pavoni (Italy)
Associate Professor of International and European Law in the Department of Law of the University of Siena
The topic discussed: “International Legal Protection”
XIV International Law Winter Program - 2018
- Professor Eugênio Vargas Garcia (Brazil)
Former Head of the United Nations Division (DNU) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The topic discussed: “Artificial Intelligence, Peace and Security: Challenges for Humanitarian International Law” - Professor George Galindo (Brazil)
Legal Adviser at the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The topic discussed: “On the continuing relevance of the inviolability of the locations of diplomatic missions” - Professor José Estanislau do Amaral Souza Neto (Brazil)
Former General Director of the Rio Branco Institute
The topic discussed: “The training and role of the diplomat in the contemporary world” - Professor Maurizio Arcari (Italy)
Professor of International Law at the Università degli Studi di Milano Biccoca
The topic discussed: “International Responsibility of States” - Professor Catherine Gauthier (France)
Professor at the Université de Bordeaux
The topic discussed: “International Human Rights Law: the example of the European Court of Human Rights in parallel with the Interamerican system” - Professor Patrick Luna (Brazil)
The diplomat at the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The topic discussed: “Contemporary Challenges to the Prohibition of the Use of Force” - Professor Baptiste Tranchant (France)
Professor at Université Toulouse I Capitole
The topic discussed: “Investment Law” - Professor Valério Mazzuoli (Brazil)
Professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT)
The topic discussed: “Control of constitutionality and conventionality of foreign law in Brazilian Private International Law” - Professor Maitê de Souza Schmitz (Brazil)
The diplomat at the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The topic discussed: “The Contemporary Challenges of the International Criminal Court” - Professor Ximena Fuentes (Chile)
Professor at the University of Chile
The topic discussed: “The obligation to prevent environmental damage and the development of procedural obligations in international environmental law.” - Professor Túlio Di Giacomo Toledo (Brazil)
Legal advisor and Representative of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Republic of Mauritius
The topic discussed: “International Arbitration and the Role of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the resolution of international disputes”

XIII International Law Winter Program - 2017
- Professor Affef Ben Mansour (France)
Doctor in International Law – Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense (France)
The topic discussed: “Implementation and Enforcement of Arbitration Awards in International Investment Matters” - Professor Beatrice Bonafè (Italy)
Professor of International Law – Università Sapienza di Roma (Italy)
Doctor in International Law – Istituto Universitario Europeo (Italy)
Member of the Italian Society of International Law (SIDI) and the Secretariat of the Institut de Droit International (Napoli Section – Italy)
The topic discussed: “Terrorism in the litigation of International Courts” - Professor Bérangère Taxil (France)
Professor of International Law, specializing in International Law – Université d’Angers (France)
The topic discussed: “Complaints by individuals before United Nations Peacekeeping Operations” - Professor Cecilia M. Bailliet (Norway)
Professor and Former Director of the Master’s program in Public International Law at the University of Oslo (Norway)
The topic discussed: “Contemporary Challenges for the International Protection of Refugees: Institutional and Procedural Issues at the Interface between International Human Rights Protection, Refugee Law and Environmental Refugees” - Professor Gustavo Ferraz de Campos Mônaco (Brazil)
Professor at the University of São Paulo (Brazil)
The topic discussed: “Culture, Constitution and Private International Law: the role of the principle of tolerance for differences” - Professor Laurent Sermet (France)
Professor of International Law – Aix-Marseille Université (France)
The topic discussed: International Cultural Law and UNESCO - Professor Maria Laura Canineu (Brazil)
Director of the Brazil Office of Human Rights Watch
The topic discussed: “The Protection of Human Rights in Brazil”

XII International Law Winter Program - 2016
- Professor Celso Lafer (Brazil)
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Topic discussed: “Reflections on an academic path” - Professor André de Carvalho Ramos (Brazil)
Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo
The topic discussed: “The Current Challenges of Private International Law” - Professor Marcílio Toscano Franca Filho (Brazil)
Former President of the Brazilian Branch of the International Law
Professor at the Federal University of Paraíba - Professor Patrick Daillier (France)
Professor at the Université Paris Ouest, Nanterre – La Défense
The topic discussed: “The Codification of the International Law of the Sea: the legal regime of scientific/economic marine activities” - Professor Philippe Lagrange (France)
Director of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the Université de Poitiers
The topic discussed: “Äuthorization of the use of force by the United Nations Security Council: traditional forms and new developments - Professor Julian Fernandez (France)
Professor at Université Paris 2 – Panthéon Assas
The topic discussed: “The expansion of the right to self-defense in light of interventions in Syria” - Professor Bertram Schmitt (Germany)
Former Judge of the International Criminal Court
Former ad hoc judge of the European Court of Human Rights
The topic discussed: “Procedural Aspects of the International Criminal Court” - Professor Jorge Asturias (Guatemala)
Former Director of Studies and Projects of the Latin American Energy Organization
The topic discussed: “Sustainable Development and the Energy Matrix in Latin America” - Professor Aziz Tuffi Saliba (Brazil)
Professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais
The topic discussed: “The Recognition in International Law” - Professor Wagner Menezes (Brazil)
Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo

XI International Law Winter Program - 2015
- Professor Maurice Kamto (Cameroon)
Professor at the Université de Yaoundé II
Member of the United Nations Committee on International Rights
The topic discussed: “The Expulsion of Foreigners in International Law” - Professor Johan Meeusen (Belgium)
Professor and Former Vice-Rector at the University of Antwerp and Member of the European Group on Private International Law (GEDIP /EGPIL)
The topic discussed: “European Union Law and Conflict Law” - Professor Ahmed Mahiou (Algeria)
Member of the Institute of International Law
Member and Former President of the United Nations International Law Commission
Ad Hoc Judge at the International Court of Justice
The topic discussed: “The Arab World Faced with Globalization: Regional Organizations and the Arab Charter on Human Rights” - Professor Catherine Kessedjian (France)
Professor at Université Paris II – Panthéon Assas
President of the French Branch of the International Law Association
The topic discussed: “Corporate Law and Human Rights in the International Sphere” - Professor Laurente Sermet (France)
Professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques d’Aix in Provence
The topic discussed: “The Nuclear Disarmament Obligation Before the International Court of Justice” - Professor Eglantine Cujo (France)
Professor Université Paris X Nanterre and Member of the Legal Service of the European Commission at the United Nations
The topic discussed: “European Union Foreign Affairs. The EU’s role at the United Nations”
X International Law Winter Program - 2014
- Judge Sylvia Steiner (Brazil)
Former Judge of the International Criminal Court
The topic discussed: “International Criminal Court: relevant aspects, processes achieved and challenges to face”
- Professor Jean-Marc Thouvenin (France)
Secretary General of the Hague Academy of International Law
Professor at the Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense University
Member of the Center for International Law (CEDIN-France)
Member and former General Secretary of the French Society of International Law
The topic discussed: “Economic Sanctions in International Law”
- Professor Paolo Palchetti (Italy)
Professor at the Universitá degli Studi di Macerata – Macerata
The topic discussed: “Responsibility of International Organizations before Domestic and International Courts”
- Professor Arno Dal Ri Júnior (Brazil)
Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina – Florianópolis
The topic discussed: “Doctrines in the construction of the science of international law”
- Professor Mathias Audit (France)
Professor at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense – Paris
The topic discussed: “The sovereign debt of states”
- Professor Hervé Ascensio (France)
Professor da Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – Paris
The topic discussed: “Investment arbitration: what are the specificities between the ways to resolve international disputes”
- Professor Hélène Ruiz Fabri (France)
Professor at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – Paris
The topic discussed: “Dispute Settlement at the WTO: Study in Comparative Perspective”
- Dr. Antenor Madruga (Brazil)
Managing Partner of the Feldens Madruga Office – Brasília
The topic discussed: “International Legal Cooperation”
Dr. Pascal Lamy (Brazil)
Former Director General of the World Trade Organization – Geneva
The topic discusses: “Is there an international community?”
IX International Law Winter Program - 2013
- Judge Hans-Peter Kaul (Germany)
Former Judge of the International Criminal Court
The topic discussed: “The Activities of the International Criminal Court to date” - Professor Marcel Brus (Netherlands)
Professor at the University of Groningen
The topic discussed: “Sustainability, Energy and International Law” - Professor Anne-Laure Vaurs-Chaumette (France)
Professor at the Université de Paris Ouest -Nanterre La Défense
The topic discussed: “International Criminal Law at the intersection of legal systems” - Professor Gerhard Hafner (Austria)
Professor at the University of Vienna
The topic discussed: “Accountability vs. Immunity in International Law” - Professor María Blanca Noodt Taquela (Argentina)
Professor at the Faculty of Derecho of La Universidad de Buenos Aires
The topic discussed: “Relationships between the Norms that Regulate International Judicial Cooperation” - Professor Myriam Benlolo-Carabot (France)
Professor at the Université de Paris Ouest -Nanterre La Défense
The topic discussed: “international Integration Organizations – A Comparative Perspective Between MERCOSUR and the European Union” - Professor Stefan Talmon (Germany)
Professor at the University of Bonn
The topic discussed: “State Sovereignty in Contemporary International Law” - Professor Régis Bismuth (France)
Professor at the Université de Poitiers
The topic discussed: “Legal Issues Relating to Public Debt Facing Private Creditors”
VIII International Law Winter Program - 2012
- Professor Alain Pellet (France)
Former Professor of International Law at the Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense University
Director of the University’s Center for International Law (1991-2001)
Member of the International Law Institute (IDI)
The topic discussed: “Certain Mysteries of International Law” - Professor Emmanuel Decaux (France)
Professor of Public Law at the University Paris II – Panthéon-Assas
Director of the Electronic Magazine Droits fondamentaux
The topic discussed: “The International Convention against Enforced Disappearance” - Professor Andre Nollkaemper (Netherlands)
Professor of Public International Law at the University of Amsterdam
Consultant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Netherlands
The topic discussed: “Shared Responsibility in International Law” - Professor Santiago Villalpando (USA)
Professor at New York University
Jurist in the Coding Division of the Department of Legal Affairs of the United Nations in New York
The topic discussed: “Recent Trends in the Codification of International Law” - Judge Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade (Brazil)
Judge of the International Court of Justice
The topic discussed: “Jurisdictional Immunity of the State and International Crime” - Professor Aziz Tuffi Saliba (Brazil)
Professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais
The topic discussed: “Self-Determination and Territorial Integrity in International Law” - Professor Bruno Wanderley Junior (Brazil)
Professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais
The topic discussed: “The Role of Transnational Corporations in the New World Economic Order” - Professor Carla Ribeiro Volpini Silva (Brazil)
Professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais
The topic discussed: “Multiculturalism, Globalization, and Transconstitutionalism: Current Dilemmas of Human Rights” - Professor Catherine Maia (France)
Professor of Public Law at the University of Burgundy
Researcher at the International Academy of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in Geneva
The topic discussed: “The notion of Imperative Law in the international legal order” - Ambassador Celso Amorim (Brazil)
Former Ministro de Estado da Defesa do Brasil
Ex-ministro das Relações Exteriores do Brasil
The topic discussed: “Sovereignty and International Law”
VII International Law Winter Program - 2011
- Professor Dominique Carreau (France)
Professor at Université Paris I – Sorbonne, France
Ad hoc arbitrator of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
The topic discussed: “Globalization and Transnationalization of Public International Law” - Professor William Schabas (Ireland)
Director of the Irish Center for Human Rights at the National University of Ireland
The topic discussed: “International Criminal Court” - Professor Friedrich Kratochwil (Germany)
Professor of International Relations at the Institute of the European Union in Florence
The topic discussed: “Reflections on the Status of Law in (Inter)national Society” - Professor Délber Andrade Lage (Brazil)
Former Director of International Law Center – CEDIN
The topic discussed: “The Challenges of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation System” - Professor Frédérique Coulée (France)
Professor at the University of Evry Val D’Essonne
The topic discussed: “The Latest Developments in International Water Law” - Dr. Gabriel Valladares (Argentina)
Legal Adviser to the International Committee of the Red Cross
The topic discussed: “The ICRC’s contribution to the latest developments in international humanitarian law” - Professor Jean Michel Arrighi (Uruguay)
Former Secretary for Legal Affairs of the Organization of American States (OAS)
The topic discussed: “The Inter-American System and the Defense of Democracy” - Professor Larry Johnson (USA)
Professor at Columbia University, New York, USA
The topic discussed: “United Nations Constitutional Law” - Professor Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant (Brazil)
Former Legal Consultant at the International Court of Justice
Professor of International Law at UFMG
Director of the Faculty of Law of the Faculdade CEDIN
President of the Center for International Law (CEDIN)
The topic discussed: “The limit of consent as the foundation of international jurisdiction”
VI International Law Winter Program - 2010
- Professor Dante Negro (Peru)
Former Director of the Department of International Law of the Organization of American States
The topic discussed: “The new challenges of the inter-American system in the field of human rights” - Professor Eric David (Belgium)
Emeritus Professor of International Law at the Free University of Brussels
The topic discussed: “Elements of the law of international organizations” - Professor Franck Latty (France)
Professor at the University of Auvergne
The topic discussed: “Olympic Law in International Society” - Professor Johannes van Aggelen (Netherlands)
Former UN official in Geneva from the Department of Human Rights
Taught courses in international law at major universities in the United States, Canada, England, Portugal, and Brazil
The topic discussed: “The evolution of the United Nations Human Rights Program: rules of law and the challenge of international politics” - Professor Marcel Biato (Brazil)
Former Foreign Policy Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil
The topic discussed: “International Law and Global Governance Reform” - Professor Maria Beatriz Dellore (Brazil)
Master in Intellectual Property Law from The George Washington University Law School Specialist in Intellectual Property for Latin America from the United States Patent and Trademark Office – American Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro
Professor-Tutor of the online courses on Intellectual Property Law at Fundação Getúlio Vargas – Rio de Janeiro
The topic discussed: “Study on TRIPS – Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights” - Professor Maria Teresa Infante Caffi (Chile)
Professor at the University of Chile
Co-Director of the Master’s Program in International Law at the University of Chile/University of Heidelberg
National Director of Borders and Limits of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Associated with the Institute of International Law
The topic discussed: “Dispute settlement: does international law provide the necessary instruments?” - Professor Philippe Weckel (France)
Professor at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis
Member of the French Society of International Law Member of the Association of Internationalists
The topic discussed: “International tribunals, an anarchic judicial system in the making”
Judge Tullio Treves (Italy)
Former Judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
The topic discussed: “Law of the Sea: recent trends”
V International Law Winter Program - 2009
- Professor Alain Pellet (France)
Professor of International Law at the University of Paris X – Nanterre
Member and Former President of the United Nations Commission on International Law
The topic discussed: “General Course: “International Law between sovereignty and the international community – The formation of International Law (II)” - Professor Djamchid Momtaz (Iran)
Professor of International Law at the University of Tehran
Member of the International Law Commission
The topic discussed: “The UN’s contribution to the development of international humanitarian law” - Professor Isabelle Moulier (France)
Professor of International Law at the University of Caen
The topic discussed: “Persecution in International Crimes” - Professor Jean-Marc Sorel (France)
Professor of International Law at the University Paris I Panthéon – Sorbonne
The topic discussed: “The Monetary and Financial System and International Law” - Professor Jean-Marc Thouvenin (France)
Secretary General of the Hague Academy of International Law
Professor at the Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense University
Member of the Center for International Law (CEDIN-France)
Member and former General Secretary of the French Society of International Law
The topic discussed: “International Law and the Regulation of International Economic Relations” - Professor Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant (Brazil)
Former Legal Consultant at the International Court of Justice
Professor of International Law at UFMG
Director of the Faculty of Law of the Faculdade CEDIN
President of the Center for International Law (CEDIN)
The topic discussed: “The normative nature of international law” - Professor Olivier Corten (Belgium)
Professor of International Law at the Center for International Law and Sociology Applied to International Law at the Free University of Brussels
The topic discussed: “Respect for the territorial integrity of States: current aspects” - Professor Orlando Pulvirenti (Argentina)
Professor at the National University of Buenos Aires
The topic discussed: “Recent Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and Discussions on Social, Economic, and Cultural Rights within the Inter-American System” - Ambassador Pedro Motta (Brazil)
Former Brazilian Ambassador to Israel
The topic discussed: “The Current Political Context in the Middle East” - Professor Valério de Oliveira Mazzuoli (Brazil)
Adjunct Professor of Public International Law at the Federal University of Mato Grosso
Doctor summa cum laude in International Law at UFRGS
The topic discussed: “The new international law and the control of the conventionality of laws in Brazil”
IV International Law Winter Program - 2008
- Dr. Antônio Augusto Junho Anastasia (Brazil)
Former Governor of the State of Minas Gerais
Opening Speech - Professor Martti Koskenniemi (Finland)
Director of the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights
Professor of International Law at the University of Helsinki
Member of the United Nations Commission on International Law (2002-2005)
The topic discussed: “The Politics of International Law” - Professor Fausto Pocar (Italy)
Professor of International Law at the Univ. Milan
Former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
Former Judge of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Member of the Institut de Droit International
The topic discussed: “International terrorism as a threat to international law” - Professor Roy Lee (USA)
Adjunct Professor of International Law at Columbia University School of Law Executive Secretary of the International Criminal Court Conference
Secretary of the UN International Law Commission Ph.D. in International Law from the University of London Member of the Institut de Droit International
The topic discussed: “United Nations law: prohibition of the use of force; Peacekeeping; conflict resolution” - Minister Francisco Rezek (Brazil)
Former Judge of the International Court of Justice
Professor at the University of Brasilia
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil
The topic discussed: “International Law before Justice in Brazil: the Human Rights Argument and the Power Policy” - Professor Celso Lafer (Brazil)
Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo
The topic discussed: “60 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – a celebration of its reach and meaning” - Professor Geneviève Bastid Burdeau (France)
Professor of Public International Law and International Economic Law at the University of Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne
Professor of Law at the World Trade Organization at the University of Burgundy Former Secretary General of the Hague Academy of International Law
Member of the Institut de Droit International
The topic discussed: “Maritime Security: current issues and new challenges” - Ambassador Carlos Henrique Cardim (Brazil)
Ambassador of Brazil
President of the Brazilian Institute of International Relations – IBRI
The topic discussed: “Rui Barbosa: presence and actuality in Brazilian foreign policy” - Ambassador Antoine Pouillieute (France)
Former French Ambassador to Brazil
The topic discussed: “Challenges of diplomatic relations between Brazil and France” - Ambassador Jerônimo Moscardo (Brazil)
Former President of the Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE)
Former Minister of Culture
Former Ambassador of Brazil to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Belgium
The topic discussed: “Brazilian Foreign Policy Issues” - Professor Jorge Cardona Llorens (Spain)
Professor of the Jean Monnet Chair in Community Law at the Jaume I University Professor of Public International Law at the Jaume I University
President of the Mediterranean Institute of European Studies
The topic discussed: “The administration of territories by entities other than the State holding the sovereignty” - Professor Mathias Forteau (France)
Adjunct Professor of Public Law at the University of Lille
President of the Conference on Public Law at the University of Paris X – Nanterre Member of the Editorial Secretariat of the French Yearbook of International Law
The topic discussed: “The contribution of transnational arbitration jurisprudence to the development of General International Law” - Professor Leonardo Nemer C. Brant (Brazil)
Former Legal Consultant at the International Court of Justice
Professor of International Law at UFMG
Director of the Faculty of Law of the Faculdade CEDIN
President of the Center for International Law (CEDIN)
The topic discussed: “The Tension Between Independence and Interdependence in International Law” - Professor Wagner Menezes (Brazil)
Doctor (USP) with post-doctorate at the University of Padova-Italy
Arbitrator of the Mercosur Court
Member of the Brazilian Society of International Law
President of the Brazilian Academy of International Law
The topic discussed: “Contemporary international society: Elements for new doctrinal concepts in International Law” - Professor Cláudia Lima Marques (Brazil)
Former Director of the International Law Association
Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
The topic discussed: “Protection of the Weakest in Private International Law: Consumer Protection Efforts in International Contracts and CIDIP VII” - Professor Eugenio Diniz (Brazil)
Former Coordinator of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in International Relations at PUC-MG Member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies – IISS – London
Member of the Strategic Studies Group – Rio de Janeiro
The topic discussed: “The mismatch of international law in the face of contemporary strategic reality”
III International Law Winter Program - 2007
- Professor André Rennó L. G. Andrade (Brazil)
Professor of Private International Law at Faculdade de Direito Milton Campos
The topic discussed: “Evidence and Information about Foreign Law Applicable by Determination of Private International Law” - Professor Eduardo Grebler (Brazil)
Former President of the Brazilian Branch of the International Law Association (ILA)
Professor of Private International Law at the Faculty of Law of PUC-Minas
The topic discussed: “The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: advantages and disadvantages for Brazilian international trade” - Judge Ireneu Cabral Barreto (Portugal)
Former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights
Judge Counselor of the Supreme Court of Justice of Portugal Former Member of the European Commission on Human Rights
The topic discussed: “Human Rights and their Protection in the European Perspective” - Professor Jacob Dolinger (Brazil)
Professor of Private International Law at UERJ Lecturer at the Hague Academy of International Law
Topic discussed: “O Terrorismo Internacional como Ameaça ao Direito Internacional” - Ambassador Jerônimo Moscardo (Brazil)
Former President of the Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) Former Minister of Culture
Former Ambassador of Brazil to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Belgium
The topic discussed: “The challenges of Brazilian foreign policy” - Professor Joe Verhoeven (Belgium)
Professor of Public International Law at the University of Paris II – France Secretary General of the Institute of International Law
Director of the French Yearbook of International Law
Professor of Public International Law at the Catholic University of Louvain
The topic discussed: “The use of jus cogens in international practice” - Professor José Henrique Fischel de Andrade (Brazil)
Former Legal Adviser to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Geneva
The topic discussed: “International Refugee Protection: current regime, perspectives, and challenges” - Professor Laurence Boisson de Chazournes (France)
Professor and Director of the Department of International Law and International Organizations at the Faculty of Law at the University of Geneva – Switzerland
Former Legal Adviser to the World Bank
The topic discussed: “International trade, investments, and water management in DI” - Professor Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant (Brazil)
Former Legal Consultant at the International Court of Justice
Professor of International Law at UFMG
Director of the Faculty of Law of the Faculdade CEDIN
President of the Center for International Law (CEDIN)
The topic discussed: “International law in transition: advances or setbacks” - Professor Nádia de Araújo (Brazil)
Professor of Private International Law at PUC-RJ Prosecutor of the State of Rio de Janeiro
Alternate Arbitrator of the Mercosur Permanent Review Court
The topic discussed: “International Private Law: The regulation and practice of international contracts” - Professor Richard W. Bulliet (USA)
Professor at Columbia University – United States of America Member of the Middle East Studies Association
Member of the American Institute of Iranian Studies
The topic discussed: “Islamic-Christian Civilizations and the Crisis in the Middle East” - Professor Welber Barral (Brazil)
Professor of International Economic Law at UFSC Coordinator of the Institute of International Relations
The topic discussed: “Multilateral trade negotiations”
II International Law Winter Program - 2006
- Professor Antonio Remiro Brotóns (Spain)
Professor of International Law and International Relations at the Autonomous University of Madrid
Member of the Institute of International Law
The topic discussed: “International Law in the Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice after the End of the Cold War” - Professor Raymond Ranjeva (Madagascar)
Former Vice President of the International Court of Justice
Member of the Institute of International Law
The topic discussed: “Application of the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” - Professor Hervé Ascencio (France)
Professor of International Law at the University of Paris – Panthéon – Sorbonne Former Secretary General of the French Society for International Law
The topic discussed: “The International Rules of Trade in Agricultural Products” - Professor. Hirad Abtahi (Iran)
Legal Advisor to the Presidency of the International Criminal Court
The topic discussed: “Does International Criminal Law Protect Culture in Times of Conflict?” - Professor Luiz Olavo Baptista (Brazil)
Professor of International Law at the University of São Paulo – USP
Member of the World Trade Appellate Body
The topic discussed: “The WTO and the Challenges of Brazilian Trade Policy” - Professor Thomas Franck (USA)
Professor of International Law and Director of the Center for International Studies at the New York University School of Law – NYU
Member of the Institute of International Law
The topic discussed: “The Right Concerning the Use of Force in Relations between States” - Professor Gabriel Valladares (Argentina)
Legal Adviser to the International Committee of the Red Cross
The topic discussed: “The ICRC: Recent Activities and its Contribution to the Latest Developments in International Humanitarian Law” - Professor Antônio Paulo Cachapuz de Medeiros (Brazil)
Legal Consultant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – MRE
Professor at PUC-RS, UCB, and UNICEUB
The topic discussed: “Law of Treaties: Evolution and Prospects”.
I International Law Winter Program - 2005
- Dr. Bruno Simma (Germany)
Former Judge of the International Court of Justice
Former Dean of the Munich Faculty of Law
Founding President of the European Society of International Law
The topic discussed: “The Contribution of the International Court of Justice to Human Rights and the Impacts of Human Rights Considerations for the New Law of Responsibility of States” - Dr. Francisco Rezek (Brazil)
Former Judge of the International Court of Justice
Professor at the University of Brasilia
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil
The topic discussed: “The Crisis of International Law and the Future of the United Nations” - Professor Luigi Condorelli (Italy)
Professor at the University of Florence
Honorary Professor at the University of Geneva
The topic discussed: “International Responsibility of States and Individuals in the Event of Acts of Aggression or International Terrorism” - Professor Fransisco Orrego Vicuña (Chile)
Judge and Former President of the Administrative Court of the World Bank
Professor at the University of Chile
Director of the Institute of International Studies at the University of Chile
The topic discussed: “International Economic Law: Selected Problems” - Professor Gabriel Valladares (Argentina)
Legal Adviser to the International Committee of the Red Cross
The topic discussed: “Introduction to international humanitarian law: the ICRC’s contribution to its development” - Ambassador Adhemar Bahadian (Brazil)
Former Brazilian Ambassador to Italy
Brazilian Co-President of the FTAA
The topic discussed: “The International Law of Integration: The Dilemmas of Mercosur and the FTAA”